Hello Everyone! Priceless is in Town, hope everyone's having a great time, visit my blog for stories, truth, the price, and many more! Happy Jam-tastic Christmas! "Be who you are, and let others be who they are." ~IamPriceless

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Drama in our Lives

Hey Jammers!
So.. Long time no post, right?
But, I have time to create a short post.
It's about drama.
Drama, drama is taking over us. A post made by Feelers shows the Drama has possessed us, if you are lazy to go to her blog and read it, here's the whole post:
"Hi Jammers. I'm just feeling like I kind of want to speak my heart and stop keeping my feelings inside. I'm sick and tired of drama. Yeah, the whole "friends backstabbing each other and just caring about who's right and not what's right." The usual huge argument that happens is that two or three Jammers will just start hating each other because of scamming or something stupid, and then they'll tell their sides of the story, and then they'll just go on saying "that's not true" or "you're like, so wrong." or something. If it has to do with scamming, get over it. It's. A. Stupid. Item. Don't waste your time fighting andscreaming your vocal cords out, just start over!   Quitting. Jammers make a huge. Flippin'. Deal. On. Quitting. "I'm dying. I'm dead. Everything's just dead. My life is dead. Goodbye world, even though everybody hates me." Maybe no one would hate you if you stopped being a self-pitying fladoodle who becomes so attached to people like they're your life and cuss people out but still pretend to be your sweet wittle self and being such a little jerk who thinks they're all that just because they have a blog and know a Blogger!!!!!! This makes me so enraged! When drama happens between two or three Jammers I just want to scream and yell that IT'S JUST A KID'S GAME! some of you are older than 11 or 12, and you act like you're a little kid who doesn't know how to deal with drama and let it go!  I'm mad."

So.. This is so true..
Why can't we stop about this drama?!
The Drama has started with non-famous Jammers getting Jealous with famous Jammers.
95% of you don't know this. 4% Partly know about this and 1% of the whole Jamaa knows what this means. The drama that is mostly is from a non famous blogger who copies a famous blogger. I'm not gonna yell out names since before I was with the famous person's side, well, now, I'm on nobody's side.

I want this Fudging Drama to get out of this Place and let out Crabby mouths shut up.
Yes. You might don't understand me, I'm just so upset right now I had to do that. It means I want this Fuc*ing Drama to get outta this world and let our cra**y mouths shut up. To be honest. I want to scream


I also wanna scream to all who are so overreacting about drama and rares



Lessons to Remember #1: Life is getting unfair, Don't you think?

Hello Jammers!
I'm starting to say 'Jammers' instead of Everybody though, but that doesn't matter!
For this lesson, I'm going to teach you about life.

Life is a road and a journey we gotta keep on moving,
Life is a rock we gotta keep throwing,
We are strangers in a crazy adventure of life.
~A Poem by IamPriceless

So, enough of poems and random stuff, So...

Good Morning Class!
So today, we're going to learn about Life,
What is Life?
Life is forty-two ma'am!
Umm.. I'm not sure about that.. How about you there!
Life is something like an adventure or road you gotta keep on going, something you have to be strong and keep focus on. Life gets unfair when everyone thinks it's all about fun and playing and nothing else. And Life gets unfair because of life, people get stressed and that is life.
Thank you! What is your name again?
Julian is my name ma'am, and your welcome.
-Everyone stares at Julian.-
Thank you Julian, so let us proceed to the lesson,
So, Life is unfair don't you think?
Life is getting stressed, especially with love. So now, I have to talk with others class, so..

O.k., So this is going to be the Animal Jam class.
To all who listened and never skipped a word, you'll learn what I mean.
Life is getting stressed because of Rares. Rares. RARES.
Rares Here Rares there, RARES EVERYWHERE.
Drama. Drama too is Stress.
To all those who are about to suicide because of this.
Don't do it. It won't help. You need to let go and understand the meaning. I just hope Life won't get unfair soon. I am dying because of this. I wish all this Drama and rares Get out of the way and peace will return to The World.


Friday, November 16, 2012

The Price of what you did #1: Scamming

Hello everyone!
This is a post about what can you do to take the guilt of your chest.
One of the most unfair ways to get rares. To be honest with you guys.
I scammed a few times. I scammed Turkey hats (When they were rare), a Blue glove, non member bat wings, tons and tons of things.
But the guilt went off my chest, Since past is past.

O.k., Back to the topic.

If you ever scammed. And the guilt is still on your chest.
There are ways to take it out.
1. Forgive and Forget: If you still remember the person who you scammed. Go to him/her and say "I'm sorry" Then, give the item back. If you can't remember the person you scammed. It's easy, give it away to a newbie or someone needing rares. Forgetting, It's hard to forget, but it's easy unless you have other things to do like studying, playing AJ, and stuff like that, you'll get the idea.

2. Admit it: If someone says you scammed and you did scam, say sorry and say that you won't do it again, example:
Other Guy: Report (Your name here) for scamming!
You: Oh, sorry, I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again, here is the item I scammed.
Well, if you don't get it, you'll get the idea later.

3. Be honest: Remember, Honesty IS the best Policy, in the Story that I can't remember the title, A wood chopper accidentally threw his ax into a river, a fairy who lived in a river asked him
"Is this your Ax?" while Holding a golden Ax.
"Sorry, Fairy My ax is not Golden."
"Is this your Ax?" holding a Silver ax.
"Sorry, Fairy, my Ax is not golden nor Silver"
"Is this your Ax?" holding a normal ax.
"Yes Fairy! Thank you very much!"
"For your honesty, You can have all the axes."
If your honest, something even great might happen, you'll have it yourself :)

Thanks for reading my words guys!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hello! ~:~ First Post Ever ~:~

~:~ Memory Post ~:~
My name is IamPriceless.
The reason why I picked that because I am Priceless.
Everyone is priceless, Because we were given for Free. No Price. We were given parents for free, we were given freedom, we were given life for free.
Today, I will show you what will I do with this blog.
Well, some days I won't be here since I have a lot of study's and stuff.
The reason I made this blog is because I want to help new Jammers understand stuff in Jamaa. Peace is supposed to reign Animal Jam, but fighting has reigned all because of rares. Why won't we stop this. This is all Drama. Nothing else. 1 word. Drama. Drama is the reason for things happening in life.
But as my classmate says,
"There can never be right, without wrong, and No wrong, without right."
Probably you could change it to
"There can never be peace without war, and No war, without peace."
True, why would there be peace with no war.
There would be no joy.
If you've seen Megamind, you'll probably no what I'm talking about.
Megamind felt there was something missing. There was peace in his mind, but war in his heart. He needed someone to fight. So he tried to create a person to defeat and the story goes on and on and on..
O.k. You could say this is a 'Lessons' Post.
But it'll soon go back to normal :)

I hope you guys learn things from this. I hope you like this blog!
